Tech Tips & News

Computer Spring Cleaning Tips

When we think about computer maintenance, virus scans and system optimization usually come to mind. However, physical cleaning is equally crucial for your computer's health and your own. Here's a shocking fact: your computer and desk area can harbor up to 400 times more bacteria than your toilet seat - and most people clean their bathrooms far more frequently than their computer setup. (Gross, right?)

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How secure is your P@$$w0rd?

Most sites that require a password have a minimum of 8 characters. But is the minimum enough? How quickly can your password be hacked? 8-character passwords that only have capital and lower-case letters can be hacked by a single computer in under 3 hours.

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Back up your data or you could lose it forever

Have you ever stopped to think about what would happen if you lost everything on your computer right now? Your family photos, tax documents, emails, creative projects - all gone in an instant. It's not just possible; without proper backup, it's practically inevitable.

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How to Protect Yourself from tech scams

Have you ever been browsing the internet when suddenly your screen fills with an alarming message? "WARNING! Your computer is infected! Call this 800 number immediately!" Your heart races as you think, "But I haven't clicked on anything suspicious." That moment of doubt is exactly what these scammers are counting on.

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